Let's stand up people!

Good morning my friends,

how's life lately? If you're still reading my blog I guess life isn't that bad (yes, indeed because I always feel blessed to live single day) because if you woke up this morning in good health, you have more luck than one million people, who won’t live through
the week.

Alright! Let's stand up people!

What I wanna share about this time "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."

Maybe some of you might have heard that long ago but it's okay, I'll make it simple here.

Alright, this principle goes like this...

I used to be a smoker (guess most people still thought that I am),
but I've actually quit, totally (since end of December 2010, and I pray will keep on going until the day I die.)

It's not about if you think you can do it, then eventually you can do it.
But it's about what are you standing for, what are you living for in your life.

I used to just live for myself, live for the day, so my life can be quite irresponsible. Because I just live for myself. So all these 'Cool' acts came out, smoking like a chimney, drink like nobody can out drink me (but actually I can't take more than 3 shots of ABC), drunk driving as if I can really reach home safely (with 1 eye opened try-to-focus-driving) and so on...

Life is pretty easy huh?

Until last year, the anniversary of us, JC & Vin. Wow! It's so lovely, we went here and there, doing body check-ups and dental visit and so on... and we have dinner... so there's a thought in my mind, baby, for the first anniversary, my gift for you is... quit smoking... She's like... so happy and touched. The best gift ever in her life, and so I've stopped buying cigarette.

(the first week is so so so so so tough..., almost I feel like there's a driller attached on my ass so i can't sit still....*eehhehzehehzhehehehzehehheh*... like this.)

It was going quite smooth and great, until...
I gave myself an 'exception',
which human loves to create this kind of exception, even Paramore sings it...

It's a fun night @ some bistro celebrating my sister's/her boyfriend's birthday,
I was so so so tempted to smoke...

so I went to JC and asked... baby... can I have a.....stick.....of....

even so she's not happy/not-willingly allowed me to do so, so I had it.

It breaks her heart badly, I didn't think of I actually take back our first anniversary gift from her hand, and it can't be replaced anymore, I'm so so sorry for that.

so things go on, more exceptions happened like, social smoker only la, when alcohol is around la, go to Melbourne (because it's vacation so my quitting cigarette are allowed so)

I failed to quit.

But I didn't feel bad until one day...
we talked about this quit-smoking issue...

eventually she asked me not to promise her again,
because she can't take it again when a gift is going to be taken away again.

I feel like a plastic bag (thanks to Katy Perry), I mean I feel whatever I say is totally worthless, nothing, piece of crap.

I feel guilty, so 1 of my year 2011 goals, is to quit smoking. When I wrote it down, I doubted, but I know if you can't even quit a small stick of cigarette, don't talk about creating good stuff in my life. Even the world is convinced but I'm not.

Just a decision + accountability (telling people around me not letting me do it at all, if they love me, don't let me do it.)

So, I made it through.
Thank you JC for trusting me again, thank you.

Today, I'm more assure to do things with an end in mind, because I can make it through.

If I stand for justice, I will not bribe/disobey the law/make an illegal U-turn in my taman...
If I stand for positive, I will not swear/curse/turn people down.

If I stand for stop smoking, I will not light a cigarette for myself/others.

Once again,
the principle...

If you don't stand for something, you fall for everything (especially the exceptions)

1. Stand for something is meaningful for yourself
2. If you fail, don't see yourself a failure because you're not your result, human improvise.
3. No exceptions, if you wanna success.
4. Keep standing, just like baby till death, you'll fall down sometimes, but just remember to stand up.

Today, I'm here to stand for something again,
sharing some positive contents with you, my friend.

Let's stand for life, for your life.

Vin Peaceman, standing for positivity.


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